Generate faces from single edge of mesh?

My first post, and no i’m not stuck in edit mode.

I downloaded a model of an oil rig from blend swap created by “B M.” as i’m hoping to model something similar
Link to the model Pictured below: [


Upon examining the blend file i noticed that the beam like support structures pictured below are modeled in a particular way where it looks to be single verts with edges which generate faces around the length of the single mesh edge

  1. Why is it modeled like this?
  2. how would i go about achieving/replicating this kind of typology/modeling method?


There seems to be going on under the ‘Shape Tab’ within ‘Data Object’ options, as when i tweak the ‘Fill values’ and the ‘Bevel Factor’, the geometry of the generated faces around the single Vert and Edge begins to take shape and form. In turn i can tweak this a bit yet i still don’t know to to achieve this starting from scratch on the default cube. in fact i cant even get the ‘shape tab’ or ‘fill values’ in the Data Object options to appear on the default cube

Any help would be much appreciated

Thank you in advance!

  1. Why is it modeled like this?
    Easier to model ?
  1. how would i go about achieving/replicating this kind of typology/modeling method?
    You could use the wireframe modifier
    in fact i cant even get the ‘shape tab’ or ‘fill values’ in the Data Object options to appear on the default cube
    Those options are for curve objects not mesh objects like the default cube

Can also use the skin modifier, it looks better.


Skin modifier.blend (293 KB)

thanks for you help guys. i managed to get a great answer over at the stack exchange:
