I am building a space launch scene and am trying to base my acceleration profile and trajectory on real world physics calculations.
I am hoping to “compress” my results into polynomial expressions which could be migrated into Blender to construct interpolation curves for object animation data.
At present I’m just a little unsure on how to go about this inside of Blender. I would tend to think it would involve writings scripts to accomplish it but I figured I’d ask if there was already options/addons in Blender that do it? Or if anyone has ever done something similar and would like to share their experience? I was also wondering if there were better ways of generating interpolation curves in Blender without the use of Polynomials?? I’m hoping to avoid using a frame per frame coordinates system like (x=frame num, y=amplitude) as this could make for some very long array sets and portability might be limited.
Thank you CoDEmanX for pointing me to f-curve modifiers. Certainly seems to be pretty close, I say “pretty close” because I’m having some trouble moving an order 10 polynomial into that modifier.
Seems it doesnt quite have the decimal point precision required (and I’m pretty sure it doesn’t support scientific notation…).
But I took a screen shot, one half shows a matplotlib/numpy plot of a polynomial from an external script, the other side shows Blender’s f-curve modifier panel and graph editor.
Because the polynomial in the higher orders starts to become so small, Blender seems to want to try to round, and in the cases of the even smaller values, they just become zeros.