I started working on this a little while ago, and recycled much of the character from one of my older projects.
I figured I might as well share it now because I have no interest in working on it any more.
I’m working on another project.
The zombies use A* pathfinding that I found in a blend file I downloaded (I don’t remember who made it, but I downloaded it from this forum a while ago).
When shooting, the bullet hit detecting is delayed according to the distance the bullet would travel.
The spread of the pellets from the shotgun are randomized each time you fire.
Bullet detecting on the zombies is done by the body parts. Shoot their legs off and watch them crawl.
This game can get pretty slow and buggy, and sometimes the character will stop moving.
I made almost no effort to improve the graphics.
Download for Blender 2.49: http://www.fileden.com/files/2009/3/14/2363534/zombiepathfindingtest.blend