Generic Body Mesh?

Ok… this might be frowned upon by the blender community, but here goes:

Does anyone know of somewhere where I can download a reasonably accurate, though not terribly high-res posable Human model?

I need a human figure in a scene I’m building, but it’s going to be all in silhouette (ie: no visible detail, just shadows). I’ve tried building one, but I don’t have much experience in character modelling (I’m a hardware modeler) and it’s been really tough to get anywhere. I’ve spent several hours trying to get the head to work, but I’m not having much luck.

I’d ultimately like to learn to do a proper figure, but working cold, it’s a hard thing to get. Even if the author would like me to not use his figure in my final scene, just having a blend file to look at and pick apart would help immeasurably. In anycase, I would of course give the author proper credit in the finished scene.

Search for the MakeHuman script
or have a look at the free stuff section of

Probably you will find a model in dxf format there which can be imported to blender.

try makeHuman:
(got this after several links, moved pages etc)
or ask s.o. (maybe me?) to send you a mesh from makeHuman, for i can’t find the download now


(tordat wrote faster than me, but he’s right)

Cool. I tried the Makehuman pages… no download available yet (the site says under construction). That sounds like a great script. Are their any mirror sites?

I’m basically looking for an average male figure, to pose in a chair. The camera is going to be behind him, and he’ll be backlit to get mostly a sillohette.

Thanks for the input!


another approach:
Since you just want a silhouette, you could try tracing a photo with 2d curves and use that to cast shadows.
This could help:


I have a geomatry problem.
I have 4 points not in the same plane. I will move the 4. points the plane of the other 3 points. And after move this points in this plane. (so i will align )
How can I do this?

Thx a million.


(and sorry for my english)

Thanks for all your help!

See the results here:

u can see and change the position of a vert by pressing NKEY in edit mode. the rest is mathematics


hey karim?

sorry, never ever heard this word before, but what does “Hardware modeler” means? %|

u can see and change the position of a vert by pressing NKEY in edit mode. the rest is mathematics


Yes, I can calcule, but isnt interactive…
ANd I find this problem very frequently …


so you want realtime collision detection? :o
verts hitting faces? hope you don’t have too much objects [!]

yippee, i’m a regular!

sorry, never ever heard this word before, but what does “Hardware modeler” means?

LOL… sorry… I mean that I typically design/model objects… hardware… “things” as opposed to “people.”

Like this (note: not done in blender):

I try to resume the problem with some images.(owning to my english knowledge)

I’m at this state with my modell:
( )

(in solid mode: )
( )

But I will obtain this result:
( )

So i must make/put one vertice in the right space:
( )

How can I do this?

(I hope it was clair)


Snap the cursor the the vertex in the middle of the circle (Shift-S, Cur-Sel) after selecting it.
Switch to Cursor rotation mode (Dot key)
Select the vertex at the left or at the right of the place where you want to create one.
Extrude (Ekey), enter rotation mode (Rkey) and place it where you need it (using Ctrll and Shift when rotating if needed).


I have no circle. The arc I have obtain with the spin function. So how can I create a aide-circle?


Why don’t you continue with the spin function then? Delete the part that is not complete and generate the rest with spin.


Since you’ve just done a spin, the cursor should still be at the center of your arc. I think that if you leave the cursor where it is, you can do what Martin suggested and it should work.