Geo-Scatter - 5.4 Scatter Groups

Hold your breath a bit. thoses biomes i created (grass and plant) are quite really really bad compared to the ones to come :slight_smile:

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I’d buy it for the price you posted if it was a pack with graswald. Woah, I’d sit and do some meadows.
I love doing meadows.

I like meadows.

Really looking forward to recreate this scene with some better grass types.


post release we’ll collaborate to create some biomes


Ok so i tried to make the Particle list use the UI list like advised


i kind of succeed but not really. i don’t have a good solution to implement this feature yet…

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Surprise !

release on 29 november :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Release canditate 1.0 is out. tested on a mac. everything worked fine

Release Notes

  • Most of the bugs are resolved
  • B01 is fully functionnal and will be distribute with this release candidate for you to play with :santa:
  • Noise 01 and 02 are now a feature in the tweaking category called “Terrain Displacement”
  • There’s a new particle position editing tool. which is mostly a native blender hair tool (kind of secret, no one knows about it)
  • rebranding of the Particle list UI, i’d really like this list to be scrollable tho… seems a mess to implement.

send me a pm if interrested in testing this release candidate. i will need some testers agai


Oooooooooo baby! Nice! “Shut up and take my money!”, as Fry says… It’s waiting for you… Good luck with your launch BD3D!


Maybe a noob question but Is this going to be compatible with 2.81?

When I tested the earlier beta I used it entirely in 2.81 and it worked just fine, so I assume this version will.


Beta worked fine in 2.80 - 2.81 - 2.82 on linux


Captainkirk & Stephen, Thanks for checking and reply, I am actually waiting for official release of 2.81 to check out myself.

I’ll give you a confirmation later today about that.

Thanks, we really need this to be work perfectly fine with 2.81 :slight_smile:

29 November is a long time for me, I have a project in which I really want to use this with new update. can you help me on this?

Yeah you just’ have to be part of the testers that’s all

Love to be… the new update is really tempting, mouth watering…

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i’ll distribute RC01 tonight. i have a few things to adjust first
thanks for the testers who reached to me via mp or twitter

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Sorry if this has already been covered: how much will it cost?

on promo for 45$ first weeks :slight_smile: (cost of the addon witouth the price of B01) the more i add biomes the more the price will grow, up to 80$ max when there’s going to be a huge library of biomes

So, will the future biomes be sold as sets, or will they be included in base addon? If I buy it for 45$ during the promo, will I get future biomes?

I’m not trying to be cheap. I’m just curious as I use blender on a hobby basis, and therefore need to limit myself to how much I spend on it.

The addon looks great, by the way! :blush: