Geo-Scatter - 5.4 Scatter Groups

We just need another Pablo Dobarro for developing scattering system)


have the particles and clustering settings update in realtime?

@lenain34 of course ! i need to write the sliders. it’s far from finished.


+1 for car and objects scattering.

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A Particle/m2 operator will be place in the sliders


well this is powerful… i’ll automate this for sure

uptated the UI, you can choose if selection = future collection or batch particle. not in the preset anymore


wow… this is becoming powerfull… thk you

are you thinking add camera clipping?


wow… this is becoming powerfull… thk you

far far far far from finished.

i need to ask if i can borrow some lines of codes from the weightlifter addon. maybe ask him for a collaboration idk yet. i’ll see later.

humm. wightlifter use vertex group only, very limited I think, dynamic world position texture paint would be nice :slight_smile:

what is that ?

like blender dynamic paint, but using camera frustum to paint over a virtual texture map and using this texture to control the particle density… the ‘world position’ is like unreal world position material node, getting absolute objects coordinates, good for objects to block particles.

sorry my english is very poor.

sorry i still don’t understand. are you talking about project paint?
the problem is that this method need an uv unwrapped terrain and a new image texture.

Wow this is really getting impressive!
Can you also make it interact with objects or surface borders?
And negative also? Like only close to the spline? And can it control the scale also?

Congratz on your progress so far, this is really going very fast :ok_hand:


yes… is this… but ok for vertex weight… I thinking that a procedural ‘world position coordinates’ texture can to avoid unwrap needs, but I dont know if Blender can do this.

weightmap = fine, trust me.

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i need to experiment with it. it depend if in the end we use my trick or my collaborator is going to script it with bmesh analysis.


Your wish is now granted

i don’t see a lot of use cases for this but well, it’s here now.

i also added a confirmation dialog system for deleting and overwriting a preset. no accidents allowed.


What is the performance like when scattering over a large area?

i don’t know and it’s not in my concerns yet. (because i + collaborator need to create an auto particle camera clipping.+ i need to work on this proxy hack)

there’s also viewport display % in the settings. viewport slowdowns shouldn’t be there.

That’s a feature I’ve been wanting for a while. I seem to recall that it was there in the particle settings back in 2.49 and then it disappeared in later versions. Will there also be an option to cull particles as they get further from the camera?

Yes. (depend on my collaborator, but prolly)

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