Geo-Scatter - 5.4 Scatter Groups

Thanks !

Houdini and clarisse are still far superior in term of cutting edge features and performance compared to blender imo. Especially performance vs Clarisse.

In terms of features and content sure, but there’s a ton of marketing needed in order to reach the audience, unfortunately


Graswald and Scatter will be totally compatible with Season1 Update


Dorian, don’t forget the wootchips! :wink:

sure, but there’s so much things that need to be added to the manager, we’ll need to make a vote

oh for sure clarisse handles it better as of right now. Houdini is basically god in a program, but i see it more as a tool/pipeline developer. Although solaris is pretty damn amazing. But that’s because of USD. When blender implements USD and does more of their procedural node making, I think it’ll get more users since it’s more artist friendly than houdini. Houdini is literally another language. 10 cilcks to make a cube and they use different vocabulary vs other 3d packages. It’s annoying haha. But it accepts any renderers. Clarisse is sexy and artist friendly, but it uses CPU rendering.

Hopefully I’m right with the future of blender. I’m tired of maya, and they basically gave a big middle finger for USD just recently.

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+1 on houdini being just… too much, if you wanna be a bit artistic and “sketch” out stuff, like you said, its a tool/pipeline developer.
soooo convoluted just to do the most simple of things. I tried exporting a selected object and i had to google how to do that… it was just way too many clicks… in blender and in many other apps is just file - export. Still amazed of what the program can do.


Maybe you could add mapbox to your height terrain feature like in Houdini

Also, on a side note. Does anyone know of any adons for triplanars, slopes, and vine generators for you environment artists out there?

Maybe you could add mapbox to your height terrain feature like in Houdini

hmm satelite map generator ?
i’ll see what is possible to do

vine generators

ivy gen, it’s here by default
didn’t understood the two other demands

i’m going to make a FULL tutorial of all scatter features in one video
would you guys prefer a video where i talk, or a video with explanation in the subtitles ?

  • video + speaking
  • video + subtitle

0 voters

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Timestamps are pretty cool

and for stalking purposes those would show peaking for the things what we mortals click and then you know what we mortals actually even do

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Video+Speaking+Subtitle sounds good! :wink:

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If you ever think of extending your business, maybe it would be a good idea to make it for other applications too. You already got the basics and you assets, that’s a huge part. Maybe 3dsmax, C4D and Modo users wait for an inexpensive solution.

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Ok i think I’ll do a 15 min video about proxify
And a 30 min video about everything + secrets of Scatter


It would rock if you could do a demo scene in your video that uses multiple setups on a complex scene, that has many different things being scattered (grass here, wootchips™ and stones there, flowers and plants over there, treeline back there… etc). This would be a big help for those of us that work with complex outdoor scenes. I have yet to do one with Scatter, but I have a bunch of that work coming soon. I’d love to get up to speed quick and have a great handle on Scatter’s best practices right out of the gate.

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yeah i also need to do some real life tutorial with some archviz scene. also to complete a bit my portfolio. starting to take too much dust

i’m collaborating with a cool youtuber about creating a photorealistic meadow in a small archviz scene + showing how easely it can be done in Scatter vs Native workflow


Are the layers worth it ? shall we only display the AIO biomes and materials? (if nobody uses the layers by themselves, i can make them optional)

  • keep the layers, i use them a lot
  • make them optional, only display the biomes by default
0 voters

do i change the icons to this new design ?

or do i keep the old look?

(both will have the red color and scatter icons anyway)

  • new icons
  • old look is best
0 voters

Hi Dorian,

Just IMHO i would put the person figure on white… :slight_smile: i think is just for scale and now its grabbing to much attention!


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yes but scale is super important, as i may incorpore larget biomes later, with larger plants and trees ect

Season1 Update (28th)

replaced all icons with brand new one
i still need to create an icon for the “import assets” button, ugly right now

close ups
m_04#material#texture@BD3D m_05#material#texture@BD3D aio_11#allinone#biome#pattern#small#meadow#fresh#grass#flowers#red#whitepapers#poppy@BD3D aio_12#allinone#biome#meadow#fresh#grass#lawn#dual#duo#cut@BD3D l_grass_dry#grass#wild#green#fresh#meadow#biome#l@BD3D l_nettle#wild#nettle#green#fresh#meadow#biome#l@BD3D

there is a new option in the addon pref to hide all ‘material’ or ‘layer’ biomes.
by default everything will be on. (it will just replace the icon extension name from “.jpg” to “.hide” and vice versa, really simple code)

Annotation 2020-02-22 013241


Since your addon is directed at archviz artist for me you should keep the old images. The new ones are way too close, and the camera is too close to the ground to show us how the assets will behave in an archviz scene.

The first image of forestpack is a perfect example for me. You see just enough the details of the biomes and you see it extend further away to have a sense of both close and far away view.

Filling half of the icon with a sky is a lot of lost space that could be better utilised by showing the grass extend further away