Geo-Scatter 5.5 - Brand New Overhaul

I’m writing here trying to understand what happened to a file I’m working on (on my spare time).
Is there any Geo-Scatter feature that could put all the object “unselectable”?
I’m asking this as I remember that the last time I’ve worked on this scene, I was manually painting some 3d plants.
Yesterday I’ve reopened the scene and I’ve found that all the objects (not the collections) were set as “unselectable”.
I’m not sure if Geo-Scatter was responsible or not, so I’m asking to the dev. :slight_smile:

All scatter_obj : ScatterName in the outliner are always non-selectable by default

Yes… one instance per spline knot, very useful in some situations.

For Bezier splines, I can figure out how to use the “radius influence,” but not how to apply tilt rotation influence specifically for Z-axis rotation only.

Most of the time, I use linked imported objects as instance sources. However, sometimes these linked objects come with incorrect scale or rotation. To fix this (by applying scale/rotation), I need to make them local. And using the ‘default scale’ (in scale panel) affects all instances in the system, but with this option, we wouldn’t need to ‘make local’ or create a separate system for each instance.

It’s frustrating :frowning_face:… I’m using filled curves as terrain because they allow for easy editing and corrections. In my custom ‘simple geometry nodes scatter,’ raycast and other nodes work perfectly with filled curves, treating them no differently from other geometry.

ps… all ‘non manual’ geoscatter distribution modes works with filled curves

Ok…but is there some Geo-Scatter command that could “temporary” set “unselectable” all the non GeoScatter involved objects during the use of that command?
I’m not pointing to you, just trying to investigate what could was responsible of this…

Not sure if this helps.
Create the scattering on a empty emitter and on the Tweak panel select Single Object as surface and select your curve.

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Why not using the new empties distribution method for that? Seems more adequate :thinking:

For Bezier splines, I can figure out how to use the “radius influence,” but not how to apply tilt rotation influence specifically for Z-axis rotation only.

By default bezier normal aligns instances normal :slight_smile:


Most of the time, I use linked imported objects as instance sources. However, sometimes these linked objects come with incorrect scale or rotation. To fix this (by applying scale/rotation), I need to make them local. And using the ‘default scale’ (in scale panel) affects all instances in the system, but with this option, we wouldn’t need to ‘make local’ or create a separate system for each instance.

Okay we’ll add this into our todo list :wink:

Interesting, could you send us a sample of your workflow so we can see how we could potentially integrate this?


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No we only set the scatter_obj to non-selectable, we don’t touch anything else in your scene

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Perfect, nice to hear this.
Thank you.
I’ll have to watch to something else.

Hi all, I’m experiencing some trouble with the ‘Repulsion’ feature in the ‘Ecosystem’ menu. When clicking its dropdown arrow, the Repulsion feature gives almost no options and it hides multiple other menus in the user interface (as seen in the screenshot below). It worked before, but now it doesn’t. Does anyone have any idea as to why this happens? Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!

Geo-Scatter - Repulsion bug

Hello, first of all thank you for contacting us. Could you please provide us with your blender version and plug-in version and open the console window to see if there’s any error message @yonas.seyoum

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Hi, thanks for the fast reply! I’m using Geo-Scatter 5.5.1 in Blender 4.3.2. I checked the console window and apparently the Repulsion system was referencing something that had been renamed. I changed the name back and now it all works again! Thanks and have a nice day.

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I’ve already done a search on this matter but I’d like to have a confirm.
In order to have color variation on objects spawned with GeoScatter, is it the shader ready to make these variations or GeoScatter has something that add on it to get these color variations?
If I’ve read correctly, it seems that the content I’m spawning must be ready for color variations…

Thanks in advance.

It’s all done via the shader the object you are scattering.
You need to use the object info node as vector information to create a color variation


Thank you very much.