Geometry breaks when subdividing

at 10 levels of the unit everything is fine, but at 11 everything breaks

My specs: rx 5700, ryzen 5700x, 64 ram

Good afternoon, @sternetur_tinea! It has been a few weeks since you posted, but I figured I’d try to take a stab at your request.

My first reaction was that 11 subdivision levels is overkill. The number of faces per level of quad subdivision is calculated by: f(4ˡ) where f is the number of faces and l is the number of subdivision levels. Even a single quad face subdivided 11 times is over 4 million faces/8 million triangles.

In your 10-level screenshot, in the bottom right, it says that you have 3.5GB of VRAM free. When you go to 11 levels in the next picture, it says you have -6.1 (that’s negative 6.1) GB free. I don’t fully know what happens when you go into the negative gigs of free VRAM, but crashes or memory corruption are well within the realm of possibility. When I googled the RX 5700, it says it only has 8GB of GDDR6 RAM, so my recommendation would be to try to stay below that.

This is just a single object in your scene - I can’t imagine multiple objects with geometry this dense.

My question is, why so many levels? If you are trying to get your surface smooth, you could use fewer levels of subdivision (like 2 or 3) and shade your surface smooth. In Object Mode, select your object, press F3, type Shade Smooth, and select it from the list. This achieves the smooth look without demolishing your VRAM budget.

I also gather that you added a Cone object to your scene, but you are trying to reach more of a spheroid final result. I might recommend using either a cube that you’ve performed a To Sphere operation on or an Icosphere as your base object. That avoids the potential pole geometry of subdividing the point of a cone with more or less than 4 faces. In mesh topology, a vertex that connects more or less than 4 edges is called a “pole”, and at least historically, the algorithm that subdivides the mesh sometimes struggles with pole geometry.

See this page on fixing pole geometry from

I hope this helps, and please let us know if you have any further questions.

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