Geometry nodes: boolean difference penetration of object

I want to make line of windows. I have this problem with boolean one object by many (instances on points). These “window cutters”(blocks) are wider/deeper than object - wall, but as you see on video, they only make in the wall “imprint”, but they don’t penetrate the wall to make proper window.
Please help me. What I am doing wrong?

Hi Filip,
you need to “capture the faces” of your cutter geometry and then delete these faces after the Mesh Boolean:


thanks for your reply, but unfortunatly it didn’t work in my case.

  1. Is the wall non-manifold? Cutters should be slightly wider/larger than canvas, but it doesn’t matter if canvas isn’t manifold
  2. Does changing boolean solver help?

Finally I found my mistake. I accidentally covered the object with the hole byx original form of the object.