Geometry nodes: Capture/Delete only large faces

I’m trying to delete (or capture) only faces that are larger the most. I managed to do this by using splitting faces and checking them individually in Repeat zone, but that’s very inefficient. So maybe some of you will come up with refreshingly easier solution?

capture only large faces.blend (1.2 MB)

Hi, there is “face area” node, with greater than comparison should be possible achieve what you want in easy way…


I was using it wrong all along, somehow. Díky!

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Would you know how to do this also for mesh islands, without looping them?

Let’s say I want to capture/delete only islands that have total face area of 3 or less, which means the one on the left, in this case.

Delete only island without looping.blend (1.1 MB)

yes, easy stuff I know;)