Blender Launcher? Don’t you mean “Blender Laucnher”?
A bit late to the discussion but here is a quick tip:
With new For Each Element zone you can have instance bounding boxes with working field min and max vectors:
(This could be done in the past… with a lot more effort.)
hi Skilz, thanks for this, was testing it, probably its a never version here, the “for each element” setup is slightly different now, performance wise my older more complicated setup with points to curves seems to be faster;( this performs imho almost like a repeat zone. …Later with more testing when the instances getting more dense mesh, the times getting more similar (in this example they are boxes so the timing differs quite a lot).
as mesh gets very dense “for each element” is faster (ps: the box/convex hull has small fillets):
Why isn’t anyone talking about the 4.3 gizmos for geometry nodes? I’ve hooked them up to some dynamic primitive nodes I made, and they’re pretty great. They remind me of the primitives in Nomad Sculpt.
GizmoTest_4.3_required.blend (156.2 KB)
I’m pretty sure once we get modal geometry tools, we’ll be able to make a insert mesh tool for sculpt mode. Nope, gizmos don’t work in geometry tools, so nevermind
They are all too busy complaining about things in the Sculpt Mode thread.
Hmmm that’s sexy as hell. Can’t wait for Suzanne shaped gizmos
Wow this looks amazing! It would be a game changer in sculpt mode!
because initial implementation was made year ago, so experimental users here did used to that and casual users didn’t yet played with that since 4.3 is not yet in full release.
I would like a scale cage gizmo. We are dealing with Bounding Box and Matrix nodes, anyways, for Transform Gizmo.
That would be less complicated than several linear gizmos.
And that is making sense to deal with a lot of instances generated by GN.
Awesome new addition! It’s a bit strange in term of design that only the linear gizmo has the option to be screen-size relative, and not the two other gizmo nodes
Anyone here know what happened to the instancing performance improvements?
I’ve been playing around with the new gizmos in 4.3 and gotta say, I’m a fan. Ended up making some UI elements. It’s still kinda experimental, so there might be a few quirks, but it’s shaping up pretty cool. Curious to see what folks do with it. Free project file is up on my Gumroad if you’re interested.
Free Project File:
Hey, does anyone remember the devs saying something about getting rid of duplicated node groups? I know I’ve seen a problem with duplication somewhere in a GN design task, but I can’t find it.
The duplication that bothers me is when you add node groups from a library and they are duplicated in the search list.
(fresh new project file → project file where node groups were added from a library)
Once you add a node group from a library, it appears twice on the list. Creates a lot of clutter ;(
I feel like deduplication tools would be good to have throughout blender. I have the same problem with materials.
The current proposal for how to solve asset deduplication is called “asset embedding”. It’s one of the top priorities being worked on.
Not exactly geonodes’ issue, but another modifier inconsistency, so I think it is related: turns out that Shrinkwrap modifier sneakily converts curves into meshes. I made some geonode chains on a curve, and wanted to use Shrinkwrap to conform those chains to the surface better. My modifier uses Sample Curve to align links properly:
But with Shrinkwrap active, all curve information, like tangents, disappear, and curve nodes throw an error:
You need to check “Apply on Spline” (first icon at the top of the shrink mod there). Otherwise it will work on mesh points generated from the curve, not curve points themselves.
Same for the other curve modifiers, afaik - and there aren’t many that can return a spline at all.
With curve Shrinkwrap it’s probably easier to just do directly with GeoNodes - that way we can wrap evaluated curve and still keep all the attributes.
Thanks, it works! Shame that there is no such button for geonode modifier itself. Can not drive spline IK with custom geonode deformer, for example. And yes, I probably could recreate this functionality, but it is frustrating to constantly run into such issues.
Was playing around trying to use Geometry Nodes to make a flowmap from a fluid sim (which I’m sure I’ve seen done in the past, but google has failed me in finding an example), and was very annoyed to find out that particle systems aren’t exposed to Geo Nodes. Feels like any particle systems that are on an object should show up as Point Cloud data in the Geo Nodes spreadsheet.
Also what happened with this Sample Volume Node? It looks like the code was committed last year, but I can’t find the node in 4.2. The only things showing up in the ‘Experimental’ area of user preferences is the Debugging features. [edit]Oh, it’s part of the subset of Experimental features that are only available in Alpha builds. Why is ‘some experimental features are only available in alpha builds’ even a thing?