Geometry nodes distribution according to height

I’m new to geometry nodes and know how to distribute objects like trees or rocks by using weight painting. I want to distribute trees/grass based on height using a separate xyz and coloramp or mask texture not manually weightpainting the areas without foliage.

Another thing is angular velocity. How can I change this setting for trees in geometry nodes so that the base stays stuck to its axis and the canopy points towards the Z axis
(so that the trees aren’t all standing straight up even on a slope)?

Something like this, use the compare node with Position Z, to set greater than or less than.

This also makes this point up in z as we are doing nothing with rotations,

However, sometimes, you want things to follow the rotation esp normal, so heres a setup for that too.

Hope that helps.

I tried doing what you recommended but since I’m new to geo nodes I’m kind of confused here.

First there are the nodes you have which I can’t find at all even when typing in key words and the nodes that do show up like Separate/Combine XYZ or Math don’t look like the ones in your first picture
(they are a lighter blue with circles instead of diamonds and the math node doesn’t have the A,B inputs).
Also where do I plug these in? Does group input go into the Distribute Points on Faces and Instance on Points goes into Group output?

This is all I know so far and it would really help if you or someone else could explain like I’m 5 on how to change this into the setup you’ve got.

Thank you for the response either way.

It looks like yr using Blender 3.0? which has older node system, that has now been superceded.

Im using Blender 3.2.

I highly recommend learning the newer system,

The node yr looking for is the compare node.