I’m trying out some ideas for procedural bridges and looking into using Float curve node, but I’m not sure how to use it repeatedly inside a single spline.
On the image below, it works the way I want to, but only in a single instance per each spline. How should I go about it, if I want 2 or 3 bumps of the same type and so on, without cutting the spline or otherwise disrupting it’s normals/tangent or changing resolution?
It’s been a long day and maybe some of you will give me a fresh idea. 
repeat_float_curve.blend (1.3 MB)
Float curve input needs to be in 0-1 range… so you’ll be using the Fraction math node. The Fraction operation will “loop” the value by chopping off any integer part of the value. That way it is always in the 0-1 range.
Factor is not a good choice. Length is a good choice. As an exercise, try to explain why.
Same logic goes for resampling. Count bad, length good. Can you explain why?
I suppose because factor takes the entirety of individual spline. Lenght is enterity of the curve as a whole.
I usually resample be lenght as it keeps visual coherency, but I didn’t care on this example.
Your explanation worked nice in pretty much the way I was hoping for, but then I realized it doesn’t take into account the tilt of the curve. When I tried to counter it, it didn’t go well.
Any suggestion for this?
I guessing you were trying to say that the factor is dependent on the curve length whereas length is independent of it. Which would be correct.
It actually does… you have some strange Vector Rotate math which you don’t need. The Set Curve Normal does all of the work already. Try different settings and see what happens.
Only thing you need to worry about is that for Beziers and Nurbs the Resampling does not override the curve resolution. You need to choose a resolution high enough so that the resampling works:
Set Curve Normal does all of the work already
No, it doesn’t.
need to worry about is that for Beziers and Nurbs the Resampling
No need to worry, I can clearly see it’s effect.
Can you make curve to follow tilt and scribbled in the image?
Here’s the complete node tree for anyone interested.