Geometry Nodes: How to offset and pause an animation driven by scene time node?

May I ask a follow up question?

So I’ve combined the first node tree (delay) to the this typewriter effect node tree, which @zeroskilz mentioned in this post before. I use Scene Time’s frame output and multiply by 0.3 to turn down the speed, as you can see in the screenshot-
The problem: The first character ('T’of the word ‘Text’ in this case) is not appearing until frame 29, instead of frame 25 as desired. I assume this is because of the reduced speed (by 0.3). It takes longer to reach the value 1, which triggers the visibility of the initial character, but I’m not sure.
Is there someone who can explain why this is happening? And how it may be possible to counteract it in general? So not only for Speed*0.3, but also for every other speed factor. Goal is to have a field to enter the frame number on which the typewriter effects should start and the first character should be displayed. So in short: If I type in 25 I want the first character to show up at frame 25.
Seems like a math problem. I’ve tried to solve this myself but all the ideas I’ve come up with do not work unfortunaltely.