Hi Everyone
I think creating a particle system with Geometry Nodes is great method to replace Blender’s highly-limited particle system, but I can’t fully reproduce the gravity effect. Please see the screenshots below.
If the geometry is not rotated, the gravity will look fine:
But if the geometry is rotated, the gravity trick will break:
Please download the file:
Geo_Nodes_Particle_Gravity.blend (951.3 KB)
Is there a way to create a better gravity with Geometry Nodes?
If you have your particle object separated from your emitter, it makes it a little easier:
I preset an initial V based on the object orientation, normal to the emitter plane.
I didn’t setup the speed limiter you did, I’m not sure how that would work for 3d motion.
Thank you @SterlingRoth ! The gravity works as expected.
I also need to shoot the particles with velocity, but they must still be affected by the gravity. We can do it easily with Blender’s particle system:
How can we incorporate velocity that will shoot the particles with Geometry Nodes?
That is what setting the V value before the simulation zone does. I’m rotating it by the objects rotation, but you could just manually set V to whatever you want.
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I increased the Vector X value of the Rotate Vector node to make the particles shooting, but the particles don’t move based on the normal of the emitter plane:
Please see the screenshot above. I rotated the emitter plane (Plane) by 40°, so the particles should move upward a little, before being pulled down by the gravity.
Here is the file:
Geo_Nodes_Particles_Not_Shooting_Based_on_Emitter_Plane_Normal.blend (964.6 KB)
Is it possible to propel the particles based on the normal of the emitter plane with Geometry Nodes?
What version of blender are you using?
The rotation socket should be purple:
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Sorry @SterlingRoth for the late reply. I can only access my personal laptop at night on weekdays, because of my work.
I use Blender 4.0.2. I also wonder why the line connection between Object Info node’s Rotation and Rotate Vector node’s Rotation is red.
Is there a way to fix it?
I opened the file with Blender 4.3.2 and saw an improvement, but some particles are not affected by the gravity:
As we can see from the screenshot, some particles keep moving upwards and the others are moving downwards.
Here is the file:
Geo_Nodes_Particles_Not_Shooting_Based_on_Emitter_Plane_Normal_1.blend (974.5 KB)
How to make all particles affected by the gravity?
Remove the random value node, this is randomizing the effect of gravity, so some particles have more gravity than others.
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Thanks so much for your help!
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