Hello I have curves, capturing the endpoint sel. 01, then split in corner points and creating instances on points at endpoint sel 10 “or” captured 01. Then I want to trim the curve corner split parts by 1/2 instance X size.
I can easily sample the 1/2 X for the trim curve start, the problem comes when combination of the “10 “or” captured 01” comes to play for the trim curve end for the last instance. I hope the images are selfexplaining. (workaround is to distribute the instances on the curve before split and sample X on this, but I am curious for this solution).
Not sure I am on the right way, but my intention now is to separate the “10 “or” captured 01” points, get their indices and sample the X on this. But how to get the indices for the sampling from this selection?
trim.blend (1.4 MB)