Geometry Nodes

Twist, Taper, Stretch node groups

twist_taper_stretch.blend (1.4 MB)


excelent!! hey btw with what program do you record small size videos like this to upload here?

I use chrome extension called “Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder”


but thats for chrome, i mean for windows. or do you use that one but how for other programs?..

edit: oh nevermind i see now it has an option to capture outside chrome…

Is there any way to preview GN result at any point along the graph, the same way you can using Ctrl+Shift when using NodeWrangler with shader editor?

press alt+shift insted of ctrl+shift.


Any chance of a Bend?

@Gemn made a nice bend node group iirc


It’s part of ETK


Made bend modifier too Geometry Nodes - #2183 by higgsas


it is better etk than yours?

edit: oh nevermind i see now it has an option to capture outside chrome…

Basic idea with dual mesh node ( off course there are more options for example decimate by vertex groups etc… )


Is there any way whatsoever to generate UV channel from within Geometry Nodes? By that I mean actual UV channel, which can be exported with a model outside of Blender. Not just an attribute which can be used instead of UV channel in Blender’s shader editor.

I tried this:

But no luck :frowning:

Perhaps a python script that manages to convert the attribute to UV channel?

Hello! Is it just me or the Attribute Mix node has disappeared? I am new to Blender and trying to do some parametric modelling but I see that most of the Attribute nodes have disappeared?

Does anyone know how to solve this problem, I want to make an extrude according to a map, that the vortexes will go in the right direction without deviation

You are converting color (RGB) to vector (XYZ), so you are moving all 3 axes (XYZ) by the image luminance amount. Get a “Combine XYZ” node, plug its output into the Offset, and plug your image texture Color into the Z input of the Combine XYZ node. Then, you can put Math node set to Multiply between the Image Texture and Set position node. In the first slot, there will be your image texture, and the second input will be the extrusion distance:

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thanks a lot for the answer .
Another question is what if the texture is on a cube or a circle how will it be possible to make sure that the extrudate will always be in the direction of the normals of the object?



Thank you very much for your help.

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Yeah, Geometry nodes was almost completely overhauled for 3.0, check out this post for some good resources on the new system: