Not quite, I tried your method, sort of - it’s not the end result I am looking for.
The end objective is simple: A curve building up on a given BezierCurve, with an aligned cone at the tip of any given end position. - One controller to animate the end point - with the cone stuck to it.
End result:
If you replace the cone with Suzanna you’ll notice it spins around its z axis as it follows the curve. How to prevent that? I want to do a spiral animation of a paper airplane and don’t want that spin.
Does anyone else find the curve spiral node unintuitive?
I have to admit, I am still a little confused when it comes to curve tangents and aligning euler rotation to vector and how the tilt factors in. Here I changed the node from Z,pivot auto to Y, pivot Z. with Y being the fold of the plane, which seems to work as you want (I think).
I have always had weird behavior at the endpoints of some curve primitives so I just delete them
… because curves have tangents and normals, but mesh lines don’t.
Is difficult to guess face orientation without curve info but you’d expect better consistency… the above demonstrates a common inconsistency, which makes me suspect it is a bad “exit case” in some looping code somewhere in Blender.
Hello, I need help. I am creating a profile sweep by using the curve to mesh node. The curve is a boolean operation between the two meshes with mask modifier applied, while profile curve is a quadrilateral. The idea is that the profile sweep acts as a fillet to trim the base mesh. However, the tilt of the profile curve changes randomly when moving the second mesh that cuts the base mesh. Here is the blend file. Hopefully, someone with better knowledge of the geometry nodes can tell me how to make profile curve be in a fixed and constant tilt and orientation despite the position of the cutter mesh. I would greatly appreciate the help. Thank you.
Thanks! I must be doing something wrong, but I still get the points just on the surface. I can’t understand from your screenshot if that’s the case. What’s the principle behind this?.. why using the boolean should generate points inside the volume and not only on the surface?
That is: connect the index to a math->modulo node to give the index mod 2. If that’s equal to 0, then the instance has an even index value; if it’s equal to 1, then it’s odd.