I thought the whole point of the stripe was to give off the actual color coding, and the node header was going to be darker so as to keep the text legible. Weirdly this seems reversed in the latest captures from the diff ?
It also lacks node names that stay the same size, so as to keep the node tree readable from a distance. This is how it works in in Maya, Houdini, Bifrost… and I like it.
Hmm, I think I preferred it when the underline was brighter, this change just kind of makes the node tree look dull compared to before…
Still, a big improvement!
for people who struggle to remember how to bake with cycles we need much more prominent indication of which node is selected. For the longest time I didnt even realize “currently selected node” was a thing being indicated.
I´m trying to resample a quadrilateral curve into 2 meter segments. If I add 1 micrometre to the resampling length I get a more desireable result. Is this a bug in Blender 3.0 alpha?
The patch does not include colored wires, right? Also that the nodes inherit the header color when zoomed out. I really like the mini map look . Hope it makes to 3.0
Totally agree. Pablo had mentioned that this change will allow us to have to have new node colors- such as bright yellow or pink. This was not posssible before because the text was white on a light header. Removing the bright underline kind of defeats the point IMO.
Can noodles be resampled somehow ? right now the spacing of the dashes is in parameter space
While we’re talking UI, is anybody else sort of annoyed at the frame titles being hidden behind the frame contents when the text is set too big ? I’ve taken a habit to set text size to 26 because this is the max size before the bottom of the text starts going low enough to be occluded by nodes. It would be real nice for all labels (including node labels) to actually appear above the nodes so that :
they’re not truncated when the node is not wide enough
they can be scaled up when the user zooms out, to stay legible even at a distance
(the obvious problem with this is the horizontal layout may cause many overlapping labels)
frames have their title always readable, no matter what
Can someone help?
I am trying to use the index of geometry (From a node group) as the instance on points, but the Index Input node is only producing “0”.
Using points of a curve line to instance the curve circles (mesh circle is not bad but for cases where you still want to be able to adjust the profile’s thickness, curves would be more ideal) then randomly rotate the instances would probably be my way of achieving something like this. Then you can just use the index of each spline and convert them into the Material ID so that you can colorize each circle with a different color.
Does each circle get its own UV? If so then the random colors can be handled in the material via random per island. I have no idea what the capture attribute node does.