Geometry Nodes

How would you make a bounding box that goes around all of the objects in a collection?

Edit: I got it but I don’t know how to get them to move over to the origin of the object that geonodes modifier is on.

Now if someone could turn this into an addon that displays the bounding box of all non-child objects that have children and have that bounding box envelop the bounding boxes of all of its direct children I’d be quite happy.

Interesting result!
Can you share your nodetree or part of nodetree for tranings?

If these 3 nodes mean "all monkeys look at the origin point of the object that has the geometry nodes applied to it, how do I make all the monkeys look at an Empty instead?

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I’d say subtract the empty location from the position with the object info of the empty set to relative


Now to figure out how to make them look at the banana no matter where it is along the z axis :frowning:


use the euler rotate node

(p1-p2).normlized() is the vector



Hi brothermechanic,
Here’s the node tree for the setup. I’d also attached the blend file in case you want to have a look at it later.

// Book_stack.blend (4.2 MB)


I’m not finding a normalize node

Vector math node

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monkey_in_the_middle.blend (945.9 KB)

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monkey_train.blend (963.0 KB)


Oh, you my hero!
I go to learning!

One serious concern I have is the nodes appear to have a cost even when nothing being evaluated changes.

That is the unfortunate situation with the other node implementations in Blender as well. I always disable the ones that are not contributing to the node graph.

I thought there was that new ‘lazy evaluation’ thing in 3.0. Does it work?


  • Geometry nodes has a new, faster evaluation system (b084b57fbf).
  • Multiple branches of the node tree are now executed in parallel where possible.
  • Lazy evaluation is supported, so where possible, only the inputs and outputs that are required are computed.
    • For example, the Separate Geometrynode is twice as fast if only one output is used and the Switch node only computes the input that is passed through.


That sounds like just the inputs and outputs on a node. There might still be a cost for a node just being there, even if it’s not used at all.


I think the solution is a freeze icon per modifier,
When checked it stores the current evaluated mesh, and disables the modifiers above it and itself.

This way you can animate the modifer evaluation but keep its results between evaluations.

Not working for me

You need align euler node, it’s not the rotate euler node.

Just a question about converting some nodetrees from the old system to the new one: I have a number of projects that depend on doing this:
That is, on getting the locations of the centers of faces to (usually) rotate those faces around. What’s the fields-based equivalent for this?


For future reference, the function I was looking for in “Attribute Convert” can now be found in “Capture Attribute.”

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