Geonode (and more) experiments for animation

NoiseModifier 3.6.blend (1.2 MB)
A geonode noise modifier. Useful for making things wobbly. Works in world space, so can be animated by moving either the control dummy or target object. Should be trivial to setup with 3.6 upgrades


NoiseModifier3.6WithJitter.blend (1.3 MB)
I’ve added the automatic random jitter to the noise modifier, so it can be used to create effect similar to sketchy animation outline. JitterAmount controls the displacement, JitterFrames determines how many frames pass before effect updates


interior mapping.blend (2.3 MB)
I made an Interior Mapping shader node group for Blender. It generates fake rooms and windows on flat surfaces, to detail building models easily. Inside are several example materials which show how to use different types of textures (individual textures per wall or texture atlases), generate normals for the effect, and randomize rooms

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living fence.blend (3.9 MB)
Reupload of the living fence material because of error fix. Initially, I’ve put the UV information into AtlasCell group as Float instead of Vector, and for some reason older version of Blender was okay with it. But the moment you opened it in the latest version, effect broke. Now it should be fine. IF YOU TEST MY FILES, PLEASE REPORT HERE IF SOMETHING DOESN’T WORK!

motion vectors simplified.blend (1.1 MB)

Really simple utility to generate motion vector attributes for animated objects. Comes in local space and global space variant. Put an attribute into “velocity” and “dir” output slots to be able to access them further. Blender 3.6 or higher because of Simulation nodes. I had to use help from @zeroskillz because I have no idea about the simulation yet. Main use case is to control shader parameters based on motion

glitter hop