GeoNodes, CurveToFace 3D, overlapping curves

Hello everyone,

I got some curves that are slices of an object. The object can have holes, so some slices are “double curves”, one curve for the outside, one curve for the “cut out part”.
You can see this in the middle of the image, at one of the large curves.

I have used a CurveToFace_3D node, that uses a trick to make faces from each single curve. (mesh-circle + set positions /or/ project on free x/y space + fill + reset positions to their origins)
BUT, those workflows that are required to allow CurveToFace in 3D, are not respecting overlaps, like the simple FillCurve node.

Is there a way to use CurveToFace/FillCurve in 3D and still respect the overlaps as “cut outs”?


You can do it with Fill Curve node trick, if you set Group ID by curves position. For example aligning curves to Z direction and multiply Z values with high number and plug it in group ID

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