get a friggen clue

hay lke duud" “lke wat?” “brb” “o” “im bak” “asai” “wat?” “and so am i” “lke duud” “lke wat agn?” “get a fricken clue for crying out loud” - please, just please

Just code a spell check, for crying out loud.

dude its like that cause people try to type it as fast (oriented from chat room, aim, etc) as possible, thus they shorten the words to save time (now stuff like “duud” I don’t know what the hell is up with that).
but don’t get all frustrated about it cause its not that big of a deal
lke l8rs duud, bbl agn :stuck_out_tongue:

I posted it as more of a joke, but I guess it was seen otherwise… anyway- I don’t get easily frustrated… well, to an extent, but I was just postin for the heck of it