I have 2 vectors. How I can get euler angles from this 2 vectors?
you need to get the cosine of the vectors
taken from this page : https://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/vectors/angleBetween/
angle = acos(v1•v2)
so you take the dot product of the two vectors, and use an acos on that.
But that will give you just an angle between two vectors, I’m not sure about rotation.
If I do this, then samtimes angle rotate on 90 (or 180, I dont know exactly) degree
vector_speed = sphere1.location - sphere0.location
vector_speed = vector_speed / np.linalg.norm(vector_speed)
normal, index = get_normal_and_index_polygon_smplx_model(sphere0.location)
normal_for_plane = copy.deepcopy(vector_speed)
normal_for_plane[0] = vector_speed[1] * normal[2] - vector_speed[2] * normal[1]
normal_for_plane[1] = vector_speed[2] * normal[0] - vector_speed[0] * normal[2]
normal_for_plane[2] = vector_speed[0] * normal[1] - vector_speed[1] * normal[0]
#len_normal_2 = math.sqrt(normal[0] ** 2 +
# normal[1] ** 2 +
# normal[2] ** 2)
angles_normal = {"x": math.acos(normal_for_plane[0]),
"y": math.acos(normal_for_plane[1]),
"z": math.acos(normal_for_plane[2]),}