Blender has copy and paste but it works a bit differrent than norma (Windows)l. To copy and paste from parameter, you “hover” the mouse pointer over the parameter field, (instead of clicking / highlighting the parameter) then press ctr-c/v. The name of an object is in the Edit buttons (F9) Link and Materials panel
Select the object and go to one of the link-materials boxes that has an OB: and select the name and hit ctrl-C? Ctrl-Click the name in the outliner window and hit ctrl-C. Then CTRL-V Paste into the parent thing?
Alternatively, for parenting, select a bunch of objects and then select the one you want to be the parent and hit ctrl-p.
Ahem I know the “copy and paste”… That’s what I use…
I was asking for something easier:
You want to put the name of an object in a field… So you click in the field, and then click on the object you want, and its name is written in the field…
For some operations that is already there, i.e. adding constraints. Select object A, SH-select Object B, press CTR-ALT-C, and choose a constraint, a constraint will be automatically added and all fields filled in.
Or another example, adding IK constraints : select a characters “Foot_Left_IK_target” bone, then SH-RMB (select) the “shin” bone, press CTR-I to add an IK solver, press ENTER or LMB to accept “To active” bone.
For parent objects, i.e. when editing an Armature, select the child, then SH-RMB the parent, press CTR-P and choose "connected " or “keep offset”.