Is there anyway you can automaticly get a list of all an objects properties with python?
Not that I know of:(
Not that I know of:(
Did the programers think it wouldn’t be a useful ability?
Thats just sad…
It probably just never came up. What you could do is something like have a string prop on an object that can tell a script what properties it has.
Say you have an enemy, and they have a health, a type, and an action props. Give them one more prop called “props” and make it a string. For it’s value, enter “[‘health’,‘type’,‘action’]”. Now, in any script that you want to see all the properties, you can use this code:
#The object is called ob
props = eval(ob.props)
for propname in props:
prop = getattr(ob,propname) #To see what the prop is
setattr(ob,propname,value) #If you want to change the prop to something
Make sense?
have you tried
props = dir(ob)
that would work but it return all the names of the functions like getMesh etc as well.
Oh, hahahaha, dir, of course. All you have to do is read through and find anything that’s not a known function. So on some empty somewhere in our file, give it no properties, and give it a python script:
c = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
ob = c.getOwner()
if hasattr(GameLogic,"defprops"): #if gamelogic doesn't have this yet
GameLogic.defprops = dir(ob)
Then, anywhere you want to get a list of an objects properties, you can go:
props = []
for prop in dir(ob):
if prop not in GameLogic.defprops:
Then props will contain all the properties of an object.
Call me stupid for forgetting dir:) (The answer to ALL python questions:) )
It’s not getting the objects properties, only the other stuff (getPosition, getOrientation ect.)
You are correct. I thought I had tried this once before and it worked…
Oh well. I apologize for wasting anyones time because I didn’t test stuff before I post :-?
How dare you waste my time like that, it’s time to pay you fool!! :x
It’s no problem saluk.
(I could have sworn I had found a way to do this before…oh well)