🎉 Get ready for the 'Best of Blender Artists 2022' Awards!

awesome :slight_smile: all the best to all !
no plans to add 3d printing category?

Afraid not…

I’m seeing a lot of confusion and incorrect tagging around the NPR tag- I’ve seen multiple cases where both #realism and #npr were added to a post. This is very literally impossible, if something is realistic it can’t also not be realistic. If your artwork is striving for realism, doesn’t use stylization, or has no post-Blender stylization, it’s not NPR. Please only add appropriate tags to your work :slight_smile:


Looking forward! I might upload a couple of pieces before the deadline.
Quick questions:

  • NSFW content eligible?
  • entry from Amsterdam contest allowed?
  • if I hesitate regarding tagging, can I bother someone?
  • Is the only source “finished work”?

Thanks for your efforts, can’t wait!

I would doubt it, but Bart will know for sure :slight_smile:

Yeah you can always DM @ moderators if you’re not sure about a tag. Your other questions l’ll leave to Bart as well

Just follow our usual guidelines - you can share NSFW work as long as you tag it with #nsfw . We do not allow pornographic work.

Entries from the BCON challenge are fine! Just add the tags to your entry - I’ll make sure to include them.

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You mention “add the the following tags”. Do you mean “#(category name)” or just "(category name) without the hashtag?

Sorry if this is obvious, but I’m not finding it: art posted in these tags from December 25th 2022 thru December 31st 2022 – are they included in the running for Best of Blender Artists 2023, or not eligible for it because they were posted in 2022?

The final poll was posted on December 24th; new entries won’t be added anymore.

Thanks for the quick response, but not what I asked. Won’t be added to the 2022 running, of course not. What abour the 2023 running?

Not to 2023 either, I think. It’s not the ‘best of 2022 and the last week of 2021’ :wink:

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It’s like how Spotify wrapped goes January to November, and then you get the whole month of November and December to listen to whatever horrible trashy music you want without it affecting your stats for the year :wink:

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I’m not on Spotify, but to be sure: anything posted in these tags from the time a given year’s contest voting goes live to the end of that year will NOT be considered for any Best of Blender Artists YYYY under any circumstances whatsoever, they’re dumped down a memory hole. Yes?

Yes, that’s correct.

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Bumping this topic a little, but I read somewhere that you thought about revamping the categories for next year, and I thought I’d drop my 2 cents here.
The category principle is great and offers lots of artists visibility.
Nevertheless, I find them focused on the “how” rather than the “what”. In my mind, 3d was still a very technically focused exercise a decade ago, but I feel that it has increasingly become just another media for artistic expression at this point, like photography, cinema and more recently photo bashing have joined the ranks of classical paintings, drawings, etc.
The “how” makes sense though, I always found it difficult to compare toonish and realistic works for example.
So, while not being too clear myself, I think that the pieces could also be categorized by themes, or feature a global category for the pieces where the accent is not put on a character, a landscape, a prop or a method, but rather on the global composition and messaging.

Hope it makes some sort of sense!