When I preview my scene with f-12 my computer will hang either during or upon exiting a render screen about fifty percent of the time, The only other information that might be useful is that I change the texture settings of an envirement map while checking it with f-12(It’s the only way to see if it’s how I want it to be) however i can’t narrow it down to a single setting that causes the crashing, so it is my personal belief that it has nothing to do with it. but i don’t know what the problem is. Has anyone else had similar problems?
Haven’t experienced such a thing… Also never heard of others facing such a problem…
Maybe a little more information wouyld be more helpful to understand:
-What version of Blender???
-What’s your OS???
-What graphics card???
-How powerful is your machine (CPU, RAM, etc.)???
I have a 2.26 and 2.25 version(the error happens on both) I’m running it on a 1.3 ghtz processor, with the correct driver for open gl in windows XP. And just as a side note. I have both on a seperate linux partition(linux choice to ignore blender 2.26 and not run it out of the blue) and I tried working with the same blend file in linux, but if I use a targa image that is even remotely associated with the windows location of the file latently remebered by blender. The linux version crashes. and no roads lead to render.