I’m new to blender but I’ve been getting some interesting looks, and I want to combine them with after effects. Does anyone know how to get camera info out of blender into after effects?
I’m surprised that no one has responded to this yet. Unfortunately I am unfamiliar with After Effects. But if you just need the 3d coordinate information you can snag that by pressing N in the 3dwindow.
Though, I understand that After Effects is a compositing program. What “camera information” are you trying to get to After Effects exactly?
He’s trying to export camera tracking information so that After Effects camera will perform the same moves that were keyframed in Blender.
ZanQdo started working on a script a while back but had to put it on the back burner. Recently he requested more info on after effects handling of pixel aspect ratios and it’s native 3D coordinate system so I assume that he’s resumed work on it. No telling when it will be finished though. He’s very involved with CVS Blender and I’m not sure if any of us were able to provide the information that he needs to finish it.
Yea thats exactly what I need to do. so basicaly I need to script something to do this. What info specificaly does Zanqdo need? can I contact him?
If I was able to write an expression to control a camera in After effects would I be able to enter it in Blender? After effects uses java script.
after effects will import a maya scene. will blender export a .ma?
The link in the post above will take you to the thread on the subject. That post sugests such conversion, but I’m not sure if it’s a viable solution because I don’t know if blender exports only the model or the entire file. Without the IPO information this would do you no good. Try File>Export>Wavefront. This is .obj, not .ma, but I’m not sure what the difference is. There are issues with importing camera data into AE from any 3D app. Are you aware of the process involved with importing the data from .obj files?
As far as AE to Blender…No. You would need to get a good bit more involved via an export script for AE camera data which would convert from java script to python script.