Getting rid of the white?

I’ve been trying to make sever games in blender game engine buti have one problem when i try to test them, its all white!i set my materials up and lighting so i can see everything right when im editing,but when i do testplay its all white.How do i get my materials to show up in test play?

3 Ways to add things to your game objects, Tetxures like in a real game, vertex paint, and just lightning, you can also combinate it. But you can’t just add material to object to see them in a game, this won’t work, you need to texture an object to see it more detailed.

Vertex painting:
Right click on a object, then click the paint button (small paint thingy), then when you’ve still got the object selected press V, and now you can paint the object with the tools on the right. To exit paint mode, press V again. now start game § and you’ll see the painted colors)

Lightning your scene:
Place first a lamp, then a object from choise.
Select with right mouse button the object you want to add light to. Press F to get in texture mode. Now click the paint button (paint thingy) and you’ll see some buttons on the right. Now Press A to select all faces of the object. (notice that all faces must be selected) Now press the button called LIGHT, (green button) when done click the orange button called COPY DRAWMODE. Now you added the light function to the object. Press F to get out of texture mode, Now press P to start game, and you’ll see has shadow.

Texturing object.
Add object, when done right click to select object. When selected, press F to enter texture mode. When done press A to select all faces, then switsh from raster windows where you see squares, to texture window, (a smal face icon, like you also switch between ipo windos and such stuff. When you’re are in the texture window, you can click the load button to load a picture, so choose one. When done go back to raster window where you can see your object, now press F to exit texture mode, and press ALT-Z to see your object textures. You can now press P to see your object textured in game view.

For more info, search the 2 info topic on top of the game engine forum, there you can find some really usefull tutorials. Have fun, and soon I begin to write about these functions a really easy tutorial. Because I have to tell this all the time when new people want to know how to add materials to object for games.

Ok as an aside. I read a tute long ago called “Getting Rid of the Pink” It dealt with transfering material colors to game engine objects using the buttons in the Face/Paint button window.

One thing I have noticed is that if you have no textured objects in a game or some of the objects do not have textures they show up as white. In earlier versions of blender they showed up pink. Was this a change in the code?

This confuses me a lot when I started trying to get things to match what is rendered with whats in the game engine.

If you have 2 windows with graphics, put the arrow in one and pres shift f10 [or click the button on far left and select the face icon].

It seems as if, it could very well be different, someone please correct me if I am wrong. But it seems as if the scene is lit, colored, and textured for two seperate displays. 1 being the renderer and 2 being the game engine.

The renderer uses the f5 materials, and f6 textures.

The game engine uses the shift f10 UV textures.

both can exist on the same object simultaneously.

and the UV jpeg texturing takes precedence in the game engine.

It is still tricky for me to get the UV stuff to show up. The things I double check are;

The object selected
F button pressed, [object turns from pink to white]
The little padlock in the shift f10 window needs to be closed.
Then load a jpeg image to place on the object.

There is a school of fish tutorial that explains it more, but, I cant remember where I saw it last.

also, if you have things that intersect and dont show up correctly sometimes you can fix it with the litlle buttons that appear when you hit the second paint button [that is in the same row as f4(lamp), f5(materials), f6(texture), f9(edit), blah, blah, Blahhh.] hit the one that says doublesided and it can sometimes fix intersection problems.

It wont be optimized for sleekness and efficiency, but if your just learning it helps just to be able to make things look correct. Efficiency can be touched up with experience.

thanks for the help!