I have these variables: Active object: obj edges list: list_edges vertices list: list_vert 2d cursor position: mcursor 3d cursor position: raycast_hit index of the the face under cursor: face_index (I can search only between the face’s edges)
It has to be in Object Mode. not in Edit Mode.
Using KDTree Utilities (mathutils.kdtree), I can get the closest vertices. But I don’t want the vertices, I want the edges.
I’m trying to understand how the Addon “Enhanced_3D_Cursor” can do this. But there are many lines of code and I don’t understand all.
Someone who experienced this know how to solve this problem?
I did this script in order to select the closest edges to cursor… this work in Edit Mode but I hope you can modify this in order to work in object mode… that because I don’t understand input parameters… (my code is in spanish… sorry for that)
import bpyimport bmesh
import mathutils
import math
obj = bpy.context.object
me = obj.data
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me)
edges = bm.edges
v1= bpy.context.scene.cursor_location #cursor_location
v2 = edges[0].verts[0]
print("cursor_location: ", v1)
distancia1 = round(math.sqrt(math.fabs((((((v1[0])-(v2.co.x))**2))+((((v1[1])-(v2.co.y))**2))+((((v1[2])-(v2.co.z))**2))))),2)
vertice_cercano = None
print("first_distance: ", distancia1)
for edge in edges:
for vertice in edge.verts:
v2 = vertice
distancia2 = round(math.sqrt(math.fabs((((((v1[0])-(v2.co.x))**2))+((((v1[1])-(v2.co.y))**2))+((((v1[2])-(v2.co.z))**2))))),2)
print("intermediate distance: ", distancia2)
if distancia2 <= distancia1:
distancia1 = distancia2
vertice_cercano = vertice
print("last_distance: ", distancia1)
vertice_cercano.select = True
edges_conn = vertice_cercano.link_edges
#for edge in edges_conn:
#edge.select = True
########ahora debo verificar la distancia mas cercana entre los vertices de los edges conectados
distancias = []
vertice_cercano_2 = None
for edge in edges_conn:
for vertice in edge.verts:
if vertice.co == vertice_cercano.co:
print("Vertice mas cercano: ", vertice.index)
v2 = vertice
distancia4 = round(math.sqrt(math.fabs((((((v1[0])-(v2.co.x))**2))+((((v1[1])-(v2.co.y))**2))+((((v1[2])-(v2.co.z))**2))))),2)
print("distancias: ", distancias)
distancia3 = distancias[0]
print("first_distance_2_vertice_cercano: ", distancia3)
for edge in edges_conn:
for vertice in edge.verts:
if vertice.co == vertice_cercano.co:
print("Vertice mas cercano: ", vertice.index)
v2 = vertice
distancia4 = round(math.sqrt(math.fabs((((((v1[0])-(v2.co.x))**2))+((((v1[1])-(v2.co.y))**2))+((((v1[2])-(v2.co.z))**2))))),2)
print("intermediate distance 2 vertice cercano: ", distancia4)
if distancia4 == distancia3:
distancia4= distancia3
segundo_vertice = vertice
print("last_distance_2_vertice_cercano: ", distancia3)
bmesh.update_edit_mesh(me, True)
Woow! I understand how it works :). I would like to avoid using the sqrt function, but I think it’s okay if I use the few edges of a face.
But I decided to work in the edit mode. So, the nearest edge can be obtained simply by “bpy.ops.view3d.select(extend = False, location = (mouse_coords))”.
Anyway, muchas gracias @YHOYO. This script will be useful in the future.
hi… you can’t avoid the sqrt function because that function help you in order to obtain the distances… this is a basic math funtion that I transcript to blender
It is okay too in mesh with many edges… for example…15.828:
It is possible to know if the edge is close without using sqrt.
For example (to edges 2d):
edge = [vert0, vert1]
mouse_cursor = (mcursor[0], mcursor[1])