I’m currently working on one of my first 3d modeling projects, and I’m trying to make the edges look smoother using the subdivision surface modifier, but it won’t work properly.
When adding it, this happens : (The hlding part of the gun, behind the trigger you can see that it looks weird all the way down and on the side of the magazine insertion thing)
I’ve tried adding more surfaces to that part, which results in it looking better but still looking really weird, and I’ve tried adding edge crease there too, with the same result.
Here’s another picture which shows the vertices too :
So, this is happening because the spaghetti-looking edges on the handle?
If yes, how should I prevent spaghetti edges in the future, and how should I go about fixing them now?
Many NGONS in there, maybe you should use more quads.
You could fix them by selecting two vertices of a NGON and then press J, that simply divides the face between the two vertices.
You could select some “hard” edges and increase the mean crease to about .9 (in the right property windows [N]).
Yes, the structure is pretty bad. N-gons, too much geometry which is harder and harder to control. How to prevent that is the learning to model part. But in this case, shortly, make edges follow the contours of the forms.
In practice these require more knowledge and experience. You have to know the forms you’re modeling, which you can then intepret as model structure, break that structure to workflows, and then build that structure using the various tools.
Could also use primitives to get the proportions and basic forms in the viewport before you start modeling the structure for parts that have connected and uniform geometry. Also known as blocking.
The forms aren’t the only things that pose requirements on the structure. If you model for subdivision surface it has its own requirements, the pipeline stages after modeling have their requirements, and the end use has requirements. You’ll learn about those later and then know to take them into account in the model structure before you even start building it.
Especially for subdivision surfaces, it’s about controlling the edge/face flows and density.
Didn’t use a reference, but should show an example what the structure might look like for the forms it has. Building different kinds of forms and details makes it again different, but the structure is readable and controllable.
Ahh, I see. I tried making it look a bit better but I think I may have created a lot of overlapping edges in the process…
Here’s how it looks after my attempt at fixing it :
Thinking of redoing the handle part instead and try to apply the things I just learnt this time.
But then again, might learn some more if I try to fix it. (If it’s even fixable, I have no idea how badly I messed it up >.<)
And I didn’t make the other side, and since it isn’t mirrored I will probably end up with 2 different-looking sides which might not be very good.