GH house interior

Hi all,

I got the latest blender 2.56/yafaray 0.1.2 build from graphicall and I found it to be mature enough to put it to a serious cgarchitecture test.
I am impressed to say the least. I know it is no vray, but it’s damn close !

I got the model for the from Ronen Bekerman’s old GH house competition, furniture and lights are from:

  • barcelona chair and books.
  • : sofa and table (tweaked to be a low table)
  • e-interiors : Bokka vide light
  • : IES files and model for the back-room spots and outside lighting
  • : antibody chair, countach table and tropicalia chair
  • : sky image.

I modeled the Erwin Hauer space divider myself (easy with mirror, array, soldify and subsurf modifiers)
I used blender particles for the rug and converted it to a mesh for yafaray.

I also looked at Betrand Benoit’s howto’s on Ronen Bekerman for the rainy window texture, but wound up making my own (using blender nodes -yay-, exporting it to jpg -doh- and tweaking it in gimp, for mappability and portability).

I only tweaked the exposure a bit in post, but not very much, this is almost straight from blender !

I was looking to insert the walking typewriter from elephant’s dream as a prop, but I cannot find the model in the archives. Anybody have an idea which files has this prop ?

Crits appreciated ( I know about the fireflies, I’m on it) ,

edit: I attached a new file I rendered previously, but I used Motiva RealCamera, nice piece of software, btw.



The lights from the ceiling are way too white - your main source of light would be the sun in the window (I see the repeated texture through the other window too, but I’ll prtend i didn’t :wink: )
Otherwise its pretty good, but I wouldn’t be too shocked over the realism, I’m pretty sure its possible to do this just as well in Blender Internal - if you give me the blend I’ll give it a shot :stuck_out_tongue:

Oooohh a render shootout ! =)

You are on mister.
I noticed I am not able to post links here, but I’ll up the model to mediafire tomorrow and IM you the link.

Maybe we should put the model up at github and everybody can test their favorite renderer with it… I need to check the license on the model first…

bg texture is not tiled btw, it’s one of Valentijn Kint’s 360 photos mapped on a dome, but I can see what you mean nonetheless.
I’m not too happy with the vide lights myself, maybe I’ll change it to something that comes with a proper IES file.


I like your try to serious CG architecture viz, but your image have some little mistakes…Light setup - of course , hanging lamps, but color wide can be better, some weird materials and low level of details…Vizualization like this is about details , details, details…It can be in final post downgrade with chromatic abberation, but its very important to have it in scene…Next time you can turn up FG samples in PM, turn down AA Threeshold /for viz I use 0,003/ and use Lanczos filter with 1,3 - 1,5 Pixelwidth…Best regards

Perhaps you should turn it into a weekly contest - would be interesting with different scenes… leave the material, lighting and all that to the participants :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s new for a change; I think its a pretty cool idea.

Fine work, but the sky looks weird; the lights are way too light. Its possible to get this effect in BI itself.

OK, let’s just do this then =)

I think github is a cool place to store the models and the renderings, but I know that if you haven’t used a version control system (a distributed one to boot) ever before, using one can be very daunting.

So how do you guys feel about creating a model-hub at git-hub ? Would you use it ?


A really interesting competition would to have a scene totally finished - textures too. Only the lighting can be played with.

yafray ? with nodes and all ?

ok lets try the yafray renderer post haste

OK, Ronen Bekerman gave the go ahead for the use of the model, upping to github now.

OK here it is:
https ://
remove the spaces to get there.

it looks quite good. there are, however, a few mistakes. the one which i think would make the most difference is that the background image for the windows (although not the same image in both windows like a previous comment said) it does have the sun in both of them… i would remove the sun from the smaller window and leave it in the large one.

thanks for the crit, however, there is no background image, it’s a textured dome, textured with a seamless panorama image from Valentijn Kint.
I’m re-rendering the image with the dome slightly rotated, so this confusion does not appear anymore. Softer lights, higher resolution, no yafaray gamma trick and a not-so-ridiculous camera (this is 17mm).
It’s almost done cooking. I’ll up it when ready.

Hey ! New feature discovery in blender 2.56, I can save the render while it is still rendering !
I did so and tonemapped the exr with qtpfsgui (good ol reinhard), see above.
Apparently all attachments are resized ?