Ghost-like effect

I am trying to do a ghostlike effect with my model, like you can see through it. How do I do this? Thanks!!

Please excuse if this is wrong as im new to blender my self… but i think:

Got to shading (F5)
Choose materials button
Set the alpha (A) (bellow GRB sliders) to less than 1
Under the Mirror Transp tab (still in shading)
Switch Z-Transp on.

gimme an examplw of the ghost effect you warnt. then i caan point you in the right direction.

p.s. excuse my bad spelling/ grammar, i’m typing with one hand.

Do you want a glow effect or a transparent effect? or a wavy cloth-like effect?

(Why are you typing with one hand?)

to get best results follow (not so)Clueless and also have a play with the ramp sharder

how do you do a glow type effect???

Heres how i did it… the stubmling n00b way:
Duplicate the object to glow,
Leave it sat ontop of / inside the origonal
Give the duplicate a new texture, the colour you want the glow.
Under shaders tab, make the duplicate a Halo.
increase the halo size (experiment with what suits you best between 1 and 1.5 worked best on my test cube)

Not sure thats how the experts do it… but it did make the transpartent object look “ghost like” when used with a transparent origonal object

/edit infact on closer inspection this causes some nasty artifacts on the object… so probably best wait for a more competant answer :frowning:

I really don’t know much about this, but go to the sequencing screen (you’ll see a dropdown at the top of your screen) and do add --> scene. then you can, with that scene selected, go to add --> effects --> glow. just play with the settings, I’ve only used it once and like I said, I’m not very experienced with this area of blender.

Hope I helped =)