anyway, this version (although it looks significantly better with desktop colors), doesn’t read photoshop plugins as well as 123 version did, I had problems with flaming pear. And previous release (I think it was 0619 prerelease or something like this) had 125 in splash …
well, for now, I kept 123 on the machine I do most work on and run most plugins.
p.s.: here you can check gimp news with some useful comments:
i.e.: what is still left from earlier versions …
btw.: did you send email to j.simoncic about version conflict?
As far as the Windows version goes, Gimp user filters are not working anymore. Does anyone know how to load them ? I have almost 1000 ffl and 8BF files on my hard drive that are useless with this version.
rigthclick --> Filters --> Userfilter --> Load --> File
(usually works for .8bf filters, the ones with 57.344 byte filesize)
or set your filters path via
Gimp --> Xtns --> Photoshop Plug-in Settings
this is a matter of trial/error, not all .8bf plugins will work with Gimp right
organize your plugin directory first
:: if you have 123 winGimp, I recommend this version for more tedious fun
:: if you won’t make it with Gimp 1.2.x and you don’t want to go running cracked Photoshop or Corel, you can use freeware Irfanview or VicMan’s photo editor as your plugin host (use Google…) and do some copy/paste …