gimp in blender it is possible?
gimp in blender it is possible?
??? more explanation please…
for example can i use gimp tool to paint uv in blender
i have read that it’s possible with the gimp and script fu to import gimp module in soft using python
My God! This is amazing!
wow wow wow does this also run on os x ???
any body tried it?
I dream a Gimp with Blender’s UI.
Good dream.
I await the day when you can paint directly onto the model with no need for 2d applications.
ye would be nice for wrickels, etc… but I think a real painting tool would still be needed…
how how yes a paint module would be cool but than blender also needs a much improved unwrapper! i still use an external tool so i can creat uv maps with specular diffuse etc and apply them as a texture to the material with UV mapping.
Ummm not to make you feel bad or anything. but you do realise that this kind of software has been available for a long long time.
think about 4 years (well my knowledge of it being aorund is from that long ago)
look for some software called DeepUV, or Deep paint 9or somthing like that) there is a company here in NZ making this software deep exploration is a format convertor between all major formats (they even wanted to support .blend format and offered an SDK for free to the person who wrote a plugin)
however obdy took them up on the offer. and BTW witha student discount the software is about $75 or somthing.
this is a raytracer, format convertor, 3d painting software…
blender isn’t the most advanced 3d stuff out there, you are dreaming old dreams
I’m well aware Alltaken, I meant for Blender.
I agree…it would be very nice!
Alltaken ist not the most advanced softwarre out there. in it lacks many things to be taken very serious for profesional work in film studios. but for open source its perfect. its free not a cent and offers all 3d people who aare interested in 3d a well ballanced toolset. i think people who want to work for modern film projects or special fx any way have to se other systems.
i love blender.
Logically… I wonder how such programs work. I’ve been thinking about this and it seems the easiest way to do it would be to:
a) ask the user for a resolution
b) take all tris from the model and fit them (based on their size in the 3d world) in the given area with the maximum possible efficiency (some heavy calculus)
c) through what seems like would be an impossibly complicated process, allow the use of normal 2d painting tools on the 3d model, recording the painting in the 2d file
This would leave a terrible UV layout for 2d editing, but provided that the 3d painter was good enough, it wouldn’t matter. This could be awesome for painting all kinds of maps, especially dispmaps. MAN do I need to learn to code.
I read the site of the gimp plugin, and the author claims it to be a hack that is worthless for creating actual art… haven’t tried it yet, but that’s rather discouraging.
The last thing we want is to bloat Blender by writing Photoshop into it. That’s why this Verse-based solution is so cool. It means you get to ‘pipe’ bitmaps between Blender and Gimp and use your favourite UV-mapping script in-between. Each program gets to do what it’s best at: Blender for 3d, Gimp for 2d.
That’s not what I’m talking about though… I’m saying paint directly onto the model, not onto a 2d image. The bloat would be more than worth it and the end results would be potentially faster and better because you don’t have the problem of trying to wrap a 2d image around a complex 3d object, or the problem of unwrapping in a way that would be easy for painting. I don’t know if you misunderstand me or not, but if you got what I was saying, you’d be crazy to want it any other way.
hmmm… vertex paint with custom brushes and finer controls, output to a texture layer so you can use “map to” options? ie displace.
zbrush clone??
Tattoo … separate app, need to export/import but paints onto 3d model, now free for non comerial use.
A quote from the developer
“As for future additions, I have a few ideas, but one I’d like to do is interactive bump mapping. So you could have a ‘Bump Mode’ with an ‘Impression’ or ‘Expression’ mode toggle and be able to paint in real bump maps.”
Vertex paint would probably do the job surprisingly well if you could make it work with subsurfing without needing to make the base mesh any more dense. It’d need a lot of subsurfing for good detail though.