It has 2 different effects: “Render Trick”
and “Old & Grainy”. The “Render Trick”
effect is inspired by the effect found on
this page:
Not off topic at all. Post processing is often an essential element to creating the right end result. I am actually surprised that more people don’t post process their images more often.
I have spent quite a bit of time working on CanvasFX filters to age photos, apply simulated focal blur etc… Lots of fun.
I love the film noir… it perfectly captures the black “blacks” and the misty grays and the crisp whites.
Cheers! I have to give GSR credit for that
– he pointed out that noisyness in the
blacks and whites in the first attempt
looked more like crappy, staticy TV than
film. He also recommended the “Overlay”
layer that is used to correct this.
I think that if I can make the noisiness
a bit more “uniform” accross the frames
it’ll be almost perfect when animated.