I unwrap my model then i open gimp and paint my unwrap models on it then i export it but the black lines are still there!
Remove the layer containing the black lines after painting.
Hello blenderartist, first post here, I’ve known about blender for about two years, but started learnin it yesterday. I just finished the penguin tutorial and want to try my hand at painting it. I decided to use gimp since i dont feel like paying for a photoshop. How do I export the .blend file to gimp. I tried putting a .jpg extension on my file, but blender automatically makes it a .blend extension. Thank you for the help.
Welcome, Zues.
To edit an image made with Blender using the GIMP, render the image in Blender (F12), and save it (F3) as an image file. I recommend against using JPEG for such purposes. Instead, use TGA, TIFF or PNG.
Now, if you meant painting the 3D object, here’s the easy way and the not-so-easy way.
thanks for the feed back friday, when i start 3d painting. Which wont be for about three weeks probally.