Girl (contains nudity)

For my second attempt in blender i thought i would do a full body. For now i like the body but i might give it more detail teh face is done exept for the details and texture (and ofcourse must be attached to the body. Then the hardest part comes feet and hands never been my fav (or strong) subject.


Kinda reminds me of this.

This thing.

It looks someone’s naked grandmother or something. Freaky.

lol and i was thinking my project is somewhat od or slightly ugly :stuck_out_tongue: but still also imperfect

@Above posters: Well, it is only their second model.
It’s actually not bad, it just needs a bit of subsurfacing and adjustment. From that angle I can’t see exactly where you’ve gone wrong, but there’s definitely something wrong with the hips, it looks as though they’re half way down the leg:p
Keep working on it though, it’s good for your second model:D

Exactly, it’s only the person’s second model, which is why they shouldn’t make it a naked woman. They’re bound to be laughed at.

Well i thought this was a forum with work in progress what means not finished so i thought its ok to post a model that isnt finished yet :p. Ofcourse the body wasnt finished yet (and like many peaces probbaly never is 100% finished). I expected a bit more helpfull critique.

animatinator thanks for the tips.indeed this model had only 1 subsurface level yet just for a test render and to see how the texture fitted.

Blackbow you say i shoul dnot do a naked woman as second project but that is the way how i work/learn i for myself have the motto "if you are trown into the deep its or swim or down). So if i want to learn how to use blender i better start with advanced stuff so i have to learn differnt things.

well here is an update but note WORK IN PROGRESS ;). now i spend most on the face i dont like the face yet it misses something in my eyes but i tweaked the body a bit more (and subsurfaced it a it more). C & C always welcome ofcourse.


but why this stary background? It it irritates on focusing to the model itself. Ok i myself had to begin the myne project new from scratch cause of mess i had made at first place so further all later modells get better… Never mind.
And her bust on your modell is for now the best part so far and stomach too.

to be honest i have no idea why there are stars. earlier i was playing around with the settings and suddenly they where there and i dont remember anymore how i turned them on.

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can you just post the wires from front, side and back view ? so one can better figure out what is wrong;)
i d like to see what will come up in the end
keep it up :slight_smile:
look at this :
perhaps there you ll find out how to get rid of the stars



No offence but the face looks like it has down syndrome. Needs possibly higher eyebrows, bigger eyes, and a bit of smoothing.

at least its not a dude…

ide work on the face first, if i were u