Girl Portrait Render

@GPS14 I feel that, I’m lazy with hairs too. :laughing:

Okay. I wasn’t sure whether or not the incongruity between background and lighting would stand out. I switched the background to go with the foresty atmosphere the lighting gives.
And I’m playing around with the eyes to see how I like them. Thanks for the input!
@sizzler That was probably just the low number of samples I used for that render. There is some ambient occlusion, but I don’t think that’s the problem. Let me know if you’re still seeing what you were describing on this new render.
@Tell I was wanting a little more color in the cheeks and nose, but I’ll see what it looks like with less. As for the eyes, I don’t want a deer in the headlights look so I kept the reflections pretty subtle, but a little more might look good. I’ll try that.

And here’s the latest update:

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I’m far from happy with the lighting I setup for this render, but the final won;t be from this perspective anyway, I just wanted to see it from the side.

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It’s finished (I did a light paint-over in Krita)


Nice work, you brought the eyes to life more in the final. I look forward to your next project.

Congratulations on finishing this. That is a neat lighting effect.