
I people. Im doing this head for a model of a women that i did some days ago. Please, y need to do it the most realistic possible, so tell me all what i must correct or change.

ou…its for this model. dont look the hands and materials, they are just simple colors. also dont look the hands (the render its old, ther are fine now :p)

The face looks rather male. Use reference images! And a mirror, as the structure is independent of gender.

Eyes seems to be too high (should be centered). Eyes don’t sit in such narrow holes. How about eyelids?
Nose should be narrower betwen eyes. Lookup nasolabial fold and make your mesh follow it.

In profile view, the nose has that long curve, where there should be a bit of a dent between the eyes and slight bow for the hard part of the nose’s back.
Ears start behind jaws (just check with you fingers).

an update. tell me if it better now.


Eyes seem a tad far apart (width between is usually about one eyeball wide).
Head is a bit narrow, but that could be the camera (if this isn’t ortho).

Side view looks like it’s slightly rotated, not straight on. Anyway, eyes nose and mouth all seem to sit a bit too deep in the head.

ok thanks, later i will corecct it. the 2nd image its not side view (num3), i rotate the head a little, just that.

Ok, here what I think.

  • The upper part of the head is to wide, which gives her a kind light bulb shaped head.
  • work more on the shape of nose, the outside of the nostrils should be more defined.
  • looks like she have a bump between her eyes. Check topolgy.
  • the jaw looks way to masculine. Should be more smooth.

Modelling a women’s face is one of the hardest things you can’t do. It very easy that she becomes masuline, a tip is to use alot of refrences, make a folder an fill with pictures of beautiful grlis or somthing =)

this link might also help

Let me know if you don’t understand somthing, my english isen’t perfect. Keep it up!



I think there is something wrong with the shape of your character’s jaw in profile. It shows up now that you moved the ear to behind the jaw… and now the ear is too far back in my opinion. It also shows up in the distance between the eye and the ear: I think it is too long.


I Agree with what gustapo said.
I also agree that the ear is too far back and would like to add that the back of the jaw is also too far back.

make a folder an fill with pictures of beautiful grlis or somthing =)

I’d bet he’s probably already got gigabytes worth! :wink:

Your latest update is a good improvement, keep going and happy blending!

If you want to make a tiny-wasted, huge-breasted cleavage woman(as evidenced by your body model), then I am afraid I’m going to have to critique your model rather closely.

Gonna hit the face first. Besides what the people said already, which is pretty much true (I’m a little iffy on the masculine jaw comment, but I won’t fight it, cause everyone has different ideas on the subject.), I noticed technical problems more than anything else, for example, her cheek-bone is a good shape except for the fact that it actively continues all the way back to her ear. This is not common.

Her nose seems to be too hollow. The nasal holes are like huge scoops formed by tiny slivers of skin, you’ll need to even out the ratios in there.

Her lips are mostly fine, but I noticed that the mouth line as some odd polygonal lines in it, kindof… { shaped instead of ( shaped. ‘Irregular’ would be the word I was looking for. Also, the corners of her mouth are pinched and compressed outwards, they should fold inwards softly and seem unstressed for this relaxed facial expression.

The neck. Hm. I’m assuming from the look of your model that it’s straight with cylindrical topology. This probably won’t work. You’re going to need to put a couple shifts in it to get the tendons in that v-shape and stuff. There was a picture of good topology for that somewhere, I’ll see if I can find it.

All-in-all, the face could be very good, it just needs work. I’m pretty sure you’re up to it though, so keep going. :]

Though that… brings us to the body. At your behest I am ignoring the hands and materials. However…

I’ll start with something basic, the shoulders are far, far too broad. She’s a woman, not a linebacker. Women have much slimmer shoulders than that, and the torso usually tapers inward slightly to assist with that. The curve of the ribcage, etc. That and her arms appear to be jointed like an articulated dolls, the model creases inwards all along the joint instead of flowing smoothly into the muscles on her chest and in her neck/shoulders. Her torso, too, needs to be pulled in, instead of ‘inverted trapezoid’ which is a masculine shape, try ‘elliptical oval shape’. And make it smaller.

And now…

The breasts.

I’m sure you tried. I’m sure you really did, but so many people try to make huge breasts it’s not even funny, can you make them a BIT more realistically sized, please? There’s no way they could even stick out like that unless her (at best minimal) clothing has built in wire support in the (half) cups. The shape itself suffers from something I’ve seen happen before, i.e. the modeler extrudes them, resulting in: a. a terribly disjointed appearance, and b. squareness. The breasts look square, kind of a blunt pyramid shape, and–in spite of an attempt to lead them in at the top–don’t blend in at all. I’m not sure if you realize this, but the underlying structure to women’s and men’s breasts are the same. They’re essentially a pair of muscles that pull the arms down and in, which means they connect at the sternum and at the shoulder. Women are the same, they just have more over-lying fatty tissue added on from the mammary glands.

Also, I’m not sure what that gigantic groove running from her neck down through to her belly-button is. It needs to go, though. Also, where is the shape of the bottom of her ribcage? It’s an elliptic arch shape that runs across her torso just at the beginning of the abdominal muscles. She also appears to have a pot-belly, though that may just be the result of vertex folds during posing. Also, her hips appear to be extrude squarely outward from her pelvis.

Now, look, I know this is an older model, and you may have fixed some of these things by now, but you really need to rethink how you’re going to tackle her body. Like, really.

Now, I’m not saying that you should actually stop this model. The face looks pretty good, and the head is the foundation. It’s just… you’ll need to do a lot of stuff with the body before it’s finished.

Anyway, now that I’ve unleashed nit-picking hell upon you, I will be watching. :stuck_out_tongue: I think you could finish this if you kept it up.

well, im working on the model with a lot of reference photos right now…most of them with big breasts.:smiley:
i will tweake it, but later i will post some images. these are the hands.
about textures, for cloth, what do you recomend?

Your girl’s hands are nice, but the lines on her palms are too deep.

The opposite is the case with the crease between her lips, especially at the corners. to show the finishe model. i have to works on the cloth materials

You have some work left on the model:

Sternomastoid muscle in neck should be visible in this pose, still need some indication of the rib cage arch and the pelvic arch landmarks seem misplaced, finally, you’ve some nasty deformations where the joints bend, especially noticable in the arm and wrist.

some reference images, culled from my gigabytes worth of pictures of beautiful girls :smiley:

I think there is something wrong with the girl’s proportions in general: the arms and hands are to small and the upper legs are too think (unless she is wearing some kind of special pair of pants).

Also, I can’t quite pinpoint it from the camera’s angle, but here upper body may be too large for her lower body and/or her face is too small for her neck… but I may be wrong here due to the camera POV.


Cris_2703 looking good. Torso good and breasts are perfect!:smiley: You have an eye for detail my friend. The other parts like everyone else said, need the proportions worked out a little more. So far so good.

now you can see it better

You heard what I said before about linebacker shoulders, right? Her torso is huge, she looks like a male athlete in drag. Once again, slim it down. Also, the breasts are apparently Styrofoam hemispheres glued to her chest as they have no taper or even any apparent mass.