
Okay, so I’m ready to post something in this thread for a change. Meet Tom, the main protagonist in a really short film I am working on.

Yup, He doesn’t have eyebrows, eyelashes and his arm is kinked but hey, it’s a work in progress after all.

Any thoughts, as always, are appreciated, this will be an animation so if you have thoughts on improving the still, that’s not really where I’m headed

The latest and last still with a bit of luck. From where, Tom is going to tell the swing joke, a 20 or second monologue and will move to the animation thread.

If you looked at the Disney movie, Meet the Robinsions, they didn’t use any eyelashes on the movie. Still not a bad looking character, despite he fact that he looks like he had his eyebrows burned off last month.

Ah, I’m leaving the UV mapping for now. This is more of an exercise in animation and lip syncing. I’m putting the soundtrack together at the moment, unfortunately, I’m not impressed with the quality of my own voice. I wonder if everybody has that thing where they listen to themselves on playback and go, is that me??? Anyway, the lack of eyebrows or lashes will probably be lookied at later. There are some faces there for the lashes to go on though.

It’s true most people don’t like the sound of their own voice, but also they don’t like the sound of the cheap hardware it is recorded on. What kind of mic setup are you using? You need to be using one of these:

Or if you already have a nice microphone, get yourseldf a Tapco usb interface. Either way it will be the best $100.00 you ever spent.

You don’t realise how crummy your mesh is till you start to animate.

We all know there’s a lot to learn in Blender but it’s still a bit frustrating to see poor deforms when you try to move arms and fingers and things.

Happy with my face deforms but arms and fingers , that needs more care. Now that there’s shape keys , it’s even harder to fix a bad mesh.

Sigh, the next one will be better.