My question is, how do I achive the glow that some movies like, o brother where art thou? or the ring, had?
I have not seen either movie, but the links below may provide info to get you started.
Best of Luck!!
well in the movies, o brother where art thou, every scene has a golden hue to it, its not the objects its the entire scene itself
that is called color correction. You just run the image through a Mix node and mix in gold. Or you can play with the chrominance levels Cr and Cb by splitting the image using a YCbCr node, changing the contrast of those channels using an RGB Curve node, and combining the channels back together. See my avatar as an example of doing this. See also my tut on Mixing emotion into images using nodes (tutorials off the wiki user manual page).
There’s a glow effect in the Sequence Editor.
Good thought Wolf. I wrote it up for you (Manok) here: