How to set up a part of an object glass clear (some faces)?
Thank you.
How to set up a part of an object glass clear (some faces)?
Thank you.
I don’t know exactly what you want, but I usually use a mask to put different textures on glass.
Please refer to the video
You have 2 options.
1 Give your object 2 materials, one for non glass, one for the glass and assign each material to the faces you want.
2 In the same material node setup use a mask to mix one node setup with the other using the mix shader node and the mask as factor.
For example you can mix a principled bsdf with a glass bsdf using a mask as the factor.
If you want certain faces to be glass the first is the easiest method.
With the second method the mask is not limited by the topology of the faces.
Approach depends wildly on object in question and what you want to achieve. If “looking through” is all you want, then above might work. But “proper glass” has thickness to it as well as a well defined and visible edge. I sometimes (i.e. for inset glass panels) will use geometry nodes to reduce the size of the glass faces just a very tiny bit to avoid z fighting to ensure the edge will be visible. Thickness, bevels, and flatness are usually done with modifiers. This to ensure most convenient way of making adjustments with less chance to screw up.
Thanx to all. I am still confused with nodes.
Why in Material Preview I see glass material but in the Rendered the same as a Solid?
Thank you.
there’s quite a few settings that affect how glass looks in the final render, i am discovering. however, without knowing more about .your. specific scene, it’s difficult for us to help out without knowing more, either via pictures, or even sharing a blend (stripped down to just the problem at hand, ideally)
If you mean it looks good in the material preview on the material tab but not in viewport it is probably because you are using Eevee.
For glass in eevee to look like glass you need to set the material blend mode to alpha blend, turn on refraction for the material, set the refraction depth and in the render settings turn on screen-space reflections and refraction’s.
There are many tutorials online that explain how to do glass in Eeeve.
That said glass works much better in Cycles (and you do not have to change all those settings!)
A few things to do, you need to assign the glass material to all the faces, it was only assigned to the top ring ( I presume the whole object should be glass).
I added a bevel to your glass and set it to smooth shade so that the edges stand out a bit more.
Also I turned refraction depth up a little so there is a little refraction effect.
Your scene is only using the hdri lighting hdri’s in Eevee do not cast shadows, so I enabled the scene light aswell to get some shadows.
test2.blend (126.8 KB)
If you want to do good glass in Eevee there are different methods, recommend you watch some tutorials of glass in Eevee.
This one is good (more advanced glass):
I want clear glass only on the top (selected) area, and I assigned Glass Material to the top.