Glass materials and backbuffer images problem.


I’m getting mad about this thing I cannot solve this, I tried every button/slider/everything, but nothing… :no::frowning:
Is it possible to see the background image through a glass/transparent material?
If yes, how?

(The two halfsphere has the same material, see that it is transparent, the plane is there, but what about the background beside the other sphere???)

Thanks for help

glass material uses raytracing
for see-through and the breaking-effect (ior-setting)
and if used for mirror too.
A background-pixmap, like in blender 2.4x cannot be detected
by raytracing. You have to use a big plane with an image
(the background-image) as texture in the background of the scene.
Everything else will only try to fake such an effect, what is possible
if the background is not used as part of the front-rendering of the scene.

In blender-2.5x i did not find all options for projecting a background-texture,
for example there seems not to be the option
view(uses view vector for texture coord)
in combination with
horizon(map texture to color horizon) …

Baaah, damn it…
Thanks test-dr, at least the problem is not with me.

Hmm-hmm, this thing leads difficulties for me, especially in case of animation where cameras moving/changingFoV etc, linking a plane to it perhaps not a fine solution, little bit tinker :-), and maybe causing quality problems. But I will try, if it’s the only one solution. :-S