Glass pretzel

I’m trying to teach myself curves (after all this time with only meshes and subsurfs) and the obvious thought was pretzel:
Fake glassy:

I’ll yafray it when i’m done, so don’t comment on the texturing etc

Mmm… I won’t eat that :wink:


buy a pretzel and look at it carefully. does a pretzel look like that? no. but those are nice curves nevertheless. i could never get the hang of curves myself. :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought it looked odd just hanging there on it’s own, so I added a string:

bmax: what’s wring with it? do they twist the other way in the northern hemisphere or something? Seriously, what do you think a pretzel looks like?

Mmmmmm… Pretzels… But I’m NOT eating one that’s made out of glass. Looks like a good pretzel to me.

This is what they look like where i’m from (Pennsylvania):

Close enough, just one end going under when it should have gone over…

Makes modelling easier my way, it symmetrical :wink:

yea, thats what the look like over here too. yours doesnt. :wink: