Glass reflection problem with cycle

I want to make glass materials + diffuse label of the glass but how to put down the reflection.

Please supply an example .blend file for us to have a closer look.

eather make the label another mish? or add a mask texture to mask the glass+reflection+ gloss out

BB (726.9 KB)

Please find my file here.

Hi, I adjusted the materials for the label. Did you want it to look like this:

Here is the blend file (I packed a small CC0 hdri from HDRI Haven into it):barrley black - adjusted.blend (7.4 MB)

In the material you tried to use the add shader to add integer values from the light path node together. The add shader is only for shaders; you use the math node to add integers together (mixRGB and vector math work as well). I assume you were trying to keep the glass from having a shadow and only be visible to the camera at the same time, so I adjusted it to work that way.

To get the label to not share the reflection from the glass, you just plug the alpha channel of the label into a mix shader, and have that mix the label’s shader with the glass’s shader.

@zanzio, thank you very much. Now I get the point, It is huge help !