Gli Allegroni

HI to everybody in this forum.

I’m starting a new personal short film with some nice creature called Allegroni (maybe “Funny creature” in english) that I modeled some months ago. The Allegroni are a group of creature with unhappy and unlucky life and about them I’d like to start a series of very short movies. This 2 images comes from the original model born with zbrush, then retopologized with Modo and finally rendered with XSI and Mental Ray. And now it’s time for blending this character.

This last image come from Blender with a test of compositing and edge rendering.

Hope you like it and that some users on this forum could help me
solving the problems I’l find along this project.

ahahahahah wtf. Foot thumbs.

Hahaha, the char looks great, can’t wait for the animation!

Excuse me for this long time in silence, and thank you very much for your congrats. Now it’s time to start again with this project, but I found some problems and need suggestion.

My question is about the scene and model management in blender. The first script is ready, the models too with textures and rig, but what about the development of the short film?
I mean, should I create a blender file for every shot, or more scene inside the same blender file? And in the case of more scene in the same blender file, is it better to copy setting, link object, link object data or a full copy of the original scene? I’m finding a lot of problems to understand the best way, so thanks in advance for avery suggestion

Any answer to my question??? Ok, I’ll keep on trying by myself.
The following image is a snapshot of the wireframe of the model, and also, if somebody is interested, I started a blog about the developing of the short, with much more information, but I’ll continue posting in this great forum:

These are some wireframes and the textures of this first allegrone, diffuse, specular, normal and displacement for generating the main bumps. They haven’t been created with blender because they are quite “old”, but I’ll do so for the next character.
You can find other infos in the main development blog linked in the signature.

i modelli sono molto carini e originali !!
sei anche in grado di animarli?

Ti devo rispondere in inglse che magari qualcuno si infuria : I’m not a professional animator, but I 've some friends that could give me a big help! So I think it will be possible, or at least, I hope so!

funny little things!