Glitch- inverted parentation!

Hi! I have camera and when I parent anything to it, it rotates correctly in Z axes, but inverts in x axes. Why does it? I have a mouselook actuator on camera with normal acis, but in HUD scene I have inverted one for lens flares!

Hi! Noone is answering? This is real glitch that I haven’t seen before and should resolve!

Try parenting the camera to the object rather than parenting the object to the camera. Your camera should be a child of whatever object it’s acting as ‘eyes’ for.

I have a mouselook actuator on camera with normal acis, but in HUD scene I have inverted one for lens flares!

I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here. Blend file?

Well, camera is parented to the character, but there should be some things like hands parented to camera…

Your eyes are parented to your hands :eek:?

What is the problem in parenting the hands to the same object as the camera is parented to?

Beside of that your problem sounds like you have a scale at one of your parents (no, not your parents - parents of the objects).

I have camera parented to character cylinder, but I should have hands parented to camera as the cylinder rotates in Z, but camera- in Y.

When the camera rotates, the player should rotate with it. So then, you can parent the arms to the player.

When applying the rotation to the empty (or whatever holds the camera), apply the same rotation to it’s parent (player) on the Z world coordinates.


Eh… When I move mouse, the character cylinder rotates in Z, but the camera, which is parented to the cylinder, rotates in Y axis. That’s how it works. But in the HUD scene there are lens flares with inverted mouselook actuator(theese flares recieves message when the ray of camera reaches sun). Here is the .blend[]. Just add a cube and parent it to camera, also play around with cube’s collision.